Author Instructions
Abstract Submission
Submit a short abstract (300–500 words and 2–4 keywords) through The Combustion Institute submission portal using the template below:
NOTE: Oral Presentation Abstract Submissions are Now Closed. WiPP Submissions Close February 5, 2025.
Full Paper Submission
All final papers (10-page limit) should use the provided templates below:
In addition, authors should fill out the Publication Option Confirmation Form to indicate if they are interested in their papers being considered for special issues of the off-year PROCI or the FSJ. More information is available here. Completed publication confirmation forms should be submitted in the same submission portal as final papers.
Submit both your full paper and publication option confirmation form as separate files using The Combustion Institute submission portal.
Submission steps:
Log in your account on The Combustion Institute website
Find the "Abstract Submissions" tab on the bottom of your member profile page
Click on “Edit” next to your accepted abstract submission
Look for “Upload Your Presentation PDF Submission File” and upload your final paper as a PDF.
Upload your completed Publication Option Confirmation Form as a PDF.
Only electronic submissions in PDF will be accepted. Submitted papers must be written in English, must be no longer than ten pages in 12-point font, must render without error using standard PDF viewing tools, and must include the author names and affiliations on the first page.
Poster Instructions
The maximum allowable size and other instructions will posted at a later date. ​
For a full list of Colloquia and Emphasized Thematic Topics, as well as more information about submissions, please consult the Call for Papers. Any questions can be directed to​